Glasgow, United Kingdom

ESTRO 2024


May 07
12:25 - 13:30
Hall 2
Closing Debate: Clash of the Tartans - The Great AI Debate - This house believes that the radiation therapy care pathway will be delivered entirely by bots by 2040
Anna Kirby, United Kingdom;
Matthias Guckenberger, Switzerland
12:25 - 12:30
Introduction & voting
12:30 - 12:42
For the motion
Andrew Hope, Canada
12:42 - 12:54
Against the motion
Andre Dekker, The Netherlands
12:54 - 13:06
For the motion
Stine Korreman, Denmark
13:06 - 13:18
Against the motion
Eliana Maria Vasquez Osorio, United Kingdom
13:18 - 13:20
Discussion & voting
13:20 - 13:30
Closing remarks
Anna Kirby, United Kingdom