Glasgow, United Kingdom

ESTRO 2024


May 06
15:00 - 16:15
Lomond Auditorium
ESTRO-RCR - Do practice-changing radiotherapy trials really change practice?
Panagiotis Balermpas, Switzerland;
Tom Roques, United Kingdom
Joint Symposium
15:00 - 15:18
How do positive clinical trials lead to the revision of guidelines?
Sara Ramella, Italy
15:18 - 15:36
Are guidelines followed in the real world?
Lasse Refsgaard, Denmark
15:36 - 15:54
From research to real-world impact... Lancet Commissions - Tackling global cancer issues through collaboration, advocacy and policy
Charlotte Coles, United Kingdom
15:54 - 16:12
Hurdles to equal and equitable implementation across countries, and how to overcome these.
Yolande Lievens, Belgium