Glasgow, United Kingdom

ESTRO 2024


May 05
08:45 - 10:00
Lomond Auditorium
Prostate cancer nodal recurrences: SBRT or WPRT?
Piet Ost, Belgium;
Thomas Zilli, Switzerland
Nodal recurrences are a frequent clinical scenario following local treatment in prostate cancer. The introduction of more sensitive imaging modalities such as PSMA PET-CT have improved visualization of these recurrences. There are no clear guidelines on how to approach these recurrences. From a radiotherapy perspective two different approaches are typically used: a more focal approach with SBRT versus a more elective approach with whole pelvis radiotherapy. In the absence of randomized data, this session will provide you with insights on the pros and cons of both approaches with experts in the field. On Monday the 6th, the first randomized data from the STORM trial will be presented during ESTRO 24.
08:45 - 08:48
Introduction & voting
08:48 - 09:03
Stephane Supiot, France
09:03 - 09:18
Alison Tree, United Kingdom
09:18 - 09:33
WPRT (rebuttal)
Julia Murray, United Kingdom
09:33 - 09:48
SBRT (rebuttal)
Giulio Francolini, Italy
09:48 - 10:00
Discussion & voting