Glasgow, United Kingdom

ESTRO 2024


May 06
09:05 - 10:00
How to bridge the research-practice divide by translating radiotherapy research into clinical application
AljaĊĦa Jenko, Slovenia;
Louise Turtle, United Kingdom
With rapid technological development it is interesting to see how fast and to what extent we can transfer the ongoing research into clinical practice in Radiotherapy. We will tackle this challenge with short presentations from four different perspectives followed by a group discussion. The presented topics will cover a variety of areas such as how to connect preclinical research and clinical practice, the possibilities of the application of emerging new technologies like AI, the manners to personalize radiation and radio-immuno-therapies, the ways to organize and coordinate the interdisciplinary work and collaborations for translational studies on different levels and many more.
Panel Discussion
09:05 - 09:12
RTT perspective
Mairead Daly, United Kingdom
09:12 - 09:19
Physicist perspective
Lidia Strigari, Italy
09:19 - 09:26
Clinician perspective
Miguel Reis Ferreira, United Kingdom
09:26 - 09:33
Radiobiologist perspective
Udo Gaipl, Germany
09:33 - 10:00