Glasgow, United Kingdom

ESTRO 2024


May 07
11:00 - 12:15
Hall 1
ESTRO-EFOMP - Virtual clinical trials
Daniela Thorwarth, Germany;
Efi Koutsouveli, Greece
This joint ESTRO-EFOMP session this year will showcase novel approaches towards virtual study designs. First, the potential of in silico simulation and planning studies to select radiotherapy technology, support statistical planning and estimate clinical benefits in tumor control probability and normal tissue complications will be discussed. Further, the use of virtual patient models for modeling of anatomy, disease and clinical trial populations will be analyzed. The final talk will introduce the digital twins framework for mathematical modelling of radiotherapy related variables.
Joint Symposium
11:00 - 11:18
Next generation of in silico trials for radiotherapy technology selection
Ben Heijmen, The Netherlands
11:18 - 11:36
In silico simulations to support statistics, planning and analysis of clinical trials: The role of TCP and NTCP models
Christian Rønn Hansen, Denmark
11:36 - 11:54
Virtual patients for clinical trials
Ehsan Abadi, USA
11:54 - 12:12
Digital twins for personalised radiation oncology
Heiko Enderling, USA