Glasgow, United Kingdom

ESTRO 2024


May 05
08:45 - 10:00
ESTRO-ESGO - Bridging the care gap: Radiotherapy in elderly and frail gynaecological cancer patients
Alexandra Taylor, United Kingdom;
Maja Pakiz, Slovenia
Joint Symposium
08:45 - 09:03
Challenges and dilemmas in the elderly gynaecological cancer patient
Maja Pakiz, Slovenia
09:03 - 09:21
Are there alternative treatment options for elderly and frail cervical cancer patients?
Alexandra Taylor, United Kingdom
09:21 - 09:39
Should we treat elderly and frail endometrial cancer patients differently?
Carien Creutzberg, The Netherlands
09:39 - 09:57
Alternative radiotherapy options and outcomes in elderly and frail vulvar cancer patients
Cordula Petersen, Germany