Glasgow, United Kingdom

ESTRO 2024


May 06
08:45 - 10:00
Hall 2
Radiobiology and interdisciplinary aspects of hypofractionation
Marcin Miszczyk, Poland;
Slavisa Tubin, Austria
In this session, we will comprehensively discuss the subject of hypofractionation in cancer treatment. Prof. Martin Pruschy will delve into recent biological insights, emphasizing hypoxia, immune responses, and the potential for combined treatments. Prof. Paul Keall will discuss the technological impacts on treatment accuracy and upcoming trends in adaptive radiation therapy. Dr. Yolanda Prezado will introduce novel technologies and techniques for hypofractionation delivery, and their suitability for particular tumours. Finally, dr. Evert Van Limbergen will present clinical evidence and ongoing trials in hypofractionation for major cancer types, highlighting the significance of landmark trials, and clinically challenging aspects of radiosensitivity.
08:45 - 09:03
Exploring the radiobiological implications of hypofractionation: What about hypoxia and immune response?
Martin Pruschy, Switzerland
09:03 - 09:21
Hypofractionation: What are the implications with regard to image guidance and accuracy?
Paul Keall, Australia
09:21 - 09:39
Novel unconventional technologies for hypofractionation
Yolanda Prezado, France
09:39 - 09:57
Clinical applications of hypofractionation: Current evidence and ongoing clinical trials
Evert Van Limbergen, The Netherlands