Glasgow, United Kingdom

ESTRO 2024


May 05
08:00 - 08:40
Hall 2
Environmental sustainability in radiation oncology
Maeve Kearney, Ireland
The growing significance of environmental sustainability permeates multiple facets of our lives. But what is the impact on the field of radiotherapy? What major factors contribute to the carbon footprint of radiotherapy? What are the most effective strategies to reduce the carbon footprint of radiotherapy practices? How can we raise awareness about climate change and environmental impact of radiotherapy? Should we consider carbon footprint from travelling when we decide if we should join professional meetings? If you are interested to hear and join a discussion based on these questions: please join the panel discussion on “Environmental sustainability in radiation oncology.
Panel Discussion
08:00 - 08:06
Environmental impact of a course of RT and how it is measured
Robert Chuter, United Kingdom
08:06 - 08:12
Treatment interruptions caused by natural disasters and potential impact on survival
Katie Lichter, USA
08:12 - 08:18
Overview of ESTRO initiatives to address sustainability
Kari Tanderup, Denmark
08:18 - 08:24
Increasing education and raising awareness of environmental sustainability
Dominika Wojcieszek, Poland