Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 14
15:15 - 16:30
Lehar 1-3
This house believes that C-arm linac is no longer the work-horse of radiotherapy
Jenny Bertholet, Switzerland;
Tracy Underwood, United Kingdom
In this debate, the importance of robotic linacs for stereotactic body radiotherapy (SBRT) using of non-coplanar beam angles and tumor tracking in efficient workflows will be discussed to support the motion. In a rebuttal, the need for multiple photon and electron energies as well as large field size in routine use, will speak in favor the C-arm linac. Besides, non-coplanarity is also possible on C-arm linacs and other specific technologies (e.g. double stacked MLC, imaging, AI-guidance) could be used on them. O-ring gantry systems will be discussed as next as another form of specialized system which, combined with high-quality imaging and automated AI-guided workflows enables seamless online adaptive radiotherapy. The second rebuttal will give an overview of the long-lasting evidence from the majority of patients treated on C-arm linacs with similar geometric and dosimetric accuracies compared to specialized systems.
15:48 - 16:03
For the motion - ART and faster delivery times enabled by ring gantries
Patrik Sibolt, Denmark


For the motion - ART and faster delivery times enabled by ring gantries