Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023


May 15
15:00 - 16:15
Strauss 1
What can EBRT learn from brachytherapy and vice versa?
Kari Tanderup, Denmark;
Shirin A. Enger, Canada
During the last decades radiotherapy has significantly challenged dogmas on radiotherapy dose, volume and fractionation. New radiotherapy approaches are using risk-adapted dose-volume modulation, and new fractionation schedules are continuously emerging. Furthermore, artificial intelligence helps to improve our workflows and to manage complex processes. EBRT and brachytherapy differ substantially with regard to dose distribution, volume selection, fractionation and workflow. Maybe these differences can inspire us to look for new avenues? Join this symposium and become inspired to transport new knowledge and insights between two radiotherapy modalities that have each demonstrated their value for treatment of cancer across more than 100 years.
15:00 - 15:18
Frank-André Siebert, Germany
15:18 - 15:36
Daniela Thorwarth, Germany
15:36 - 15:54
15:54 - 16:12
Gert Meijer, The Netherlands