Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 14
15:15 - 16:30
Strauss 3
The role of radiation therapists in translating science to clinical practice
Elena Dawson, Ireland;
Monica Buijs, The Netherlands
In this session the speakers will demonstrate how RTTs can be involved in performing scientific research. This can be a very practical role, like being involved in implementing scientific developments into the clinic so that treatments are optimized and patients can profited from optimal radiotherapy. Or this can be a role in uplifting patient accrual in scientific studies or even performing and/or leading scientific research. At the end of this session you might be inspired to play a role in translating science into practice at your own clinic.
16:05 - 16:30
Real" Model in Radiation Therapist led research
Helen McNair, United Kingdom


Real" Model in Radiation Therapist led research

Helen McNair1,2

1Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Cancer Research , Radiographer , Surrey, United Kingdom; 2Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust and Institute of Cancer Research , Radiotherapy , Surrey, United Kingdom

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Abstract Text

Therapeutic radiographers (RT’s) have a unique role in contributing and leading research. The role of the RT, along the patient pathway, gives rise to many opportunities to answer questions related to patient care and technology. It is the responsibility of the RT to investigate and answer these questions to improve treatment and patient experience. This talk will suggest and illustrate how to firstly, engage with research and become research aware, before moving onto becoming research active and eventually leading research. How to define a research question with suggestions of methods and tools which could be used to answer the question, will be presented. The issues of seeking and gaining funding will be discussed, in combination with defining and creating a research position and career.