Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 14
15:15 - 16:30
Strauss 3
The role of radiation therapists in translating science to clinical practice
Elena Dawson, Ireland;
Monica Buijs, The Netherlands
In this session the speakers will demonstrate how RTTs can be involved in performing scientific research. This can be a very practical role, like being involved in implementing scientific developments into the clinic so that treatments are optimized and patients can profited from optimal radiotherapy. Or this can be a role in uplifting patient accrual in scientific studies or even performing and/or leading scientific research. At the end of this session you might be inspired to play a role in translating science into practice at your own clinic.
15:15 - 15:40
From innovation to action: RTT role in translating research into the clinic
Filipa Sousa, France


From innovation to action: RTT role in translating research into the clinic

Filipa Rodrigues Sousa1

1Institut Jules Bordet, Radiation Oncology, Brussels, Belgium

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Abstract Text

The rapid evolution of Radiotherapy (RT) technology has enabled the delivery of complex RT techniques, making it vital that Radiation Therapists (RTTs) continuously advance their practice; stay informed of developments, and most importantly, ensure that new techniques are implemented safely and accurately to the benefit of patients. Research plays an essential role in informing evidence-based practice. Therefore, the involvement of RTTs in research is of major interest to help make face of the innovations and cope with the constant new standards of care and practice.

However, identifying the current extent of RTTs research participation and translating science to clinical practice remains challenging mainly because of the lack of studies addressing this topic. RTTs’ research participation may be vast and vary from RTT led research projects to their contribution in different studies or research participation in the various stages of a RT treatment.

This session will highlight some concentre examples of RTTs translating science to clinical practice, as well as some key enablers and barriers of RTTs research participation.