Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 15
15:00 - 16:15
Strauss 2
The possibility to improve patient care is endless. (Some) initiatives to integrate into radiotherapy departments of the future
Angela Botticella, France;
Pierre Montay-Gruel, Belgium
Modern medicine, and especially oncology, focuses more and more on the patient as an individual, both in terms of treatment and management of the quality of life. Despite all efforts done every day by caretakers, more initiatives can still be integrated into radiotherapy departments to improve patient care. This session aims at identifying some of these initiatives in the field of radiobiology, clinical research, treatment, and quality of life of cancer survivors. It will highlight several new aspects of patient care, including: benefiting from an active preclinical and clinical research, taking into consideration diversity and inclusion or survivor follow-up.  
15:00 - 15:18
Radiobiology is an essential consideration in complete patient care
Anthony Chalmers, United Kingdom


Radiobiology is an essential consideration in complete patient care

Anthony Chalmers1

1University of Glasgow, School of Cancer Sciences, Glasgow, United Kingdom

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Abstract Text

Radiation biology has been an essential component in the evolution of modern radiotherapy and continues to play a crucial role in the refinement and improvement of existing treatments and the development and evaluation of new ones.

But how many radiotherapy departments employ a dedicated radiobiologist? And how many departments without an ‘in-house’ radiobiologist have access to somebody who might describe themself as such?

Having asked that question (and hopefully received some responses from the audience), I will outline some of the ways in which a radiobiologist can enhance the quality of patient care in a radiotherapy department. In preparation for the talk I will contact colleagues in departments across Europe and try to find examples of ‘best practice’ as well as situations where the provision of radiobiology expertise is lacking.