2030: Towards histology-driven radiation prescription (imaging to pathology translation)
Roger Sun,
2030: Towards histology-driven radiation prescription (imaging to pathology translation)
1Gustave Roussy Cancer Campus, Département de radiothérapie , Villejuif Cedex, France
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Abstract Text
While radiotherapy has mainly improved thanks to the improvement of imaging techniques, the development of artificial intelligence methods in imaging offers new perspectives for a radiotherapy that is more and more personalized to the patient's disease. Indeed, AI has shown great results in developing imaging tools to analyze the cellular and anatomopathological data behind the image. The applications of these new technologies seem very promising. For example, these approaches could help the clinician to identify more precisely the targets to be treated in multi-metastatic diseases, or to better define the target volumes, in particular the microscopic extensions (VCT), and the areas at higher risk of recurrence.
The aim of this presentation is to discuss whether imaging and IA may help to guide clinician towards a new area of precision medicine, with histology-driven imaging biomarkers for radiation prescription.