Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 13
15:15 - 16:30
Strauss 2
Preparing for, and handling of, automated brachytherapy treatment planning in clinical practice
Michael Baumgartl, Switzerland;
Nicole Eder-Nesvacil, Austria
The radiation therapy world moves towards modern approaches of big data analysis, automation, artificial intelligence, model-based treatment planning and multi-criteria optimisation. This symposium is meant to share current developments in these fields in brachytherapy with a strong link to clinical practice. A first focus is on large databases used for automated procedures in interventional radiotherapy with a glimpse on national and international regulations and quality assurance in data storage and usage. This is followed by how artificial intelligence can play a role in the general workflow of brachytherapy when it comes to pre-planning, delineation, reconstruction and planning (protocol- or example-based). We will discuss with examples of implemented multicriteria optimization for HDR prostate and cervix cancer brachytherapy. Detailed experience with the introduction of automated treatment planning will be shared with the main focus on its challenges and how to overcome them.
15:51 - 16:09
Multi-criteria optimisation in brachytherapy: Generation and selection of optimal plans
Cédric Bélanger, Canada


Multi-criteria optimisation in brachytherapy: Generation and selection of optimal plans

Luc Beaulieu1, Cédric Bélanger1, Philippe Chatigny1

1Université Laval, Physics, Quebec, Canada

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Abstract Text

The current state-of-the-art multicriteria optimization (MCO) algorithms promise significantly better brachytherapy dosimetric treatment plans for complex multi-catheter configurations relative to either manual planning or commercially available inverse planning [1]. They do so by providing the end-users with hundreds if not thousands of Pareto optimal plans, exploring various compromises between all of the clinical objectives in seconds. This approach is highly efficient timewise and allows the brachytherapy team to concentrate on selecting the plan(s) that meet all the required quantitative (dose metrics) and more qualitative (isodose shapes, …) planning objectives of the treating physician.  

In this talk, we will review the strategies for plan optimization and extracting the Pareto front as implemented in brachytherapy. The change in planning paradigm that is enabled by MCO will be explored. Various implementation of MCO will be discussed and multi-catheter prostate HDR brachytherapy will served as a test case. Since a very large number of plans are generated, options pertaining to plan navigation and plan selection will be touch upon.

A sneak peek into the latest application of this approach to more complex cases such a GYN interstitial brachytherapy with applicators offering numerous combinatorial options (namely parallel applicator needles, angulated applicator needles and template interstitial needles in addition to the standard applicator channels) will illustrate how the MCO approach could be integrated in the clinical setting as a fast pre-planning or inter-fraction planning tool.

[1] Beaulieu L, Al-Hallaq H, Rosen BS, Carlson DJ. Multicriteria Optimization in Brachytherapy. Int J Radiat Oncol Biology Phys. 2022;114(2):177-180.