Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 13
15:15 - 16:30
Strauss 2
Preparing for, and handling of, automated brachytherapy treatment planning in clinical practice
Michael Baumgartl, Switzerland;
Nicole Eder-Nesvacil, Austria
The radiation therapy world moves towards modern approaches of big data analysis, automation, artificial intelligence, model-based treatment planning and multi-criteria optimisation. This symposium is meant to share current developments in these fields in brachytherapy with a strong link to clinical practice. A first focus is on large databases used for automated procedures in interventional radiotherapy with a glimpse on national and international regulations and quality assurance in data storage and usage. This is followed by how artificial intelligence can play a role in the general workflow of brachytherapy when it comes to pre-planning, delineation, reconstruction and planning (protocol- or example-based). We will discuss with examples of implemented multicriteria optimization for HDR prostate and cervix cancer brachytherapy. Detailed experience with the introduction of automated treatment planning will be shared with the main focus on its challenges and how to overcome them.
15:33 - 15:51
How artificial intelligence will change the traditional way of treatment planning
Tanja Alderliesten, The Netherlands


How artificial intelligence will change the traditional way of treatment planning

Tanja Alderliesten1

1Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC), Radiation Oncology, Leiden, The Netherlands

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Abstract Text

In the light of this year’s congress theme, “From innovation to action”, let us embrace artificial intelligence (AI) to transform the field of radiation oncology, specifically brachytherapy, and reflect on how this will affect our traditional way of working and thinking.

In this talk I will first paint a rough picture of where and how AI can play a role in the brachytherapy workflow. I will furthermore shortly touch upon the fact that there are different types of AI. Next, I will dive a bit deeper into two different AI-based approaches (i.e., protocol-based or example-based) for brachytherapy treatment planning and discuss how each will in a different way affect the traditional way of treatment planning. Specifically, I will address development/tailoring of the approach, updating the approach in case of e.g., protocol changes, how to decide which AI-based brachytherapy treatment plan to use for a new patient, and how to interpret the obtained quality of such a plan. This talk will primarily be based on previous and ongoing efforts by my own research group at the Leiden University Medical Center (LUMC) in collaboration with the national research institute for mathematics and computer science in the Netherlands (CWI) and the Amsterdam UMC.