Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 14
15:15 - 16:30
ESTRO-ESC: New cardio-oncology guidelines: Current state of knowledge and future directions
Andrea R. Filippi, Italy;
Esther Troost, Germany
During this first ever joint symposium on cardio-oncology, the presenters will present the 2022 ESC guidelines on cardio-oncology, which were established multidisciplinary among big societies (ESTRO, ESC, EHA, ICOS). The current evidence on the effect of radiation to (sub-volumes of) the heart and the corresponding side-effects will be critically reviewed. Moreover, the time-scale of events occurring will be eluded to. Most data nowadays origin from organ-centered routine clinical follow-up, without involvement of cardiologists or electrophysiologists. Dedicated cardio-oncology clinics including imaging and functional testing may be a way forward for increasing the quality and quantity of follow-up data. Moreover, multidisciplinary survivor-clinics for those patients having been treated many years ago may shed light into the field of cardio-oncology. Jointly, the experts in the field will come up with recommendations on future joint efforts to increase the available data and analytical tools in order to develop even more powerful guidelines for cardio-oncology in the future.
Joint Symposium
16:09 - 16:27
Cardio-oncology resources in Europe
Jutta Bergler-Klein, Austria


Cardio-oncology resources in Europe