Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 16
09:15 - 10:30
Strauss 3
Fiona Mcdonald, United Kingdom
This will be a very interdisciplinary session dedicated to guidelines and good practice in radiation oncology. It will cover numerous aspects of radiation oncology: site specific (oligometastatic NSCLC, postoperative RT for prostate cancer, breast cancer: integration of RT and target therapy, RTT aspects of breast RT, bone met RT), technique/RT modality specific (MR-guided RT systems) and involving different radiation oncology professionals (physicians, physicists, RTT etc.). Some of the guidelines will involve also other societies (ASTRO for lung cancer) and will be practice defining, so you cannot miss this session.
09:55 - 10:05
Consensus statements on integration of radiation therapy with targeted treatments for breast cancer
Icro Meattini, Italy


Consensus statements on integration of radiation therapy with targeted treatments for breast cancer

Icro Meattini1

1University of Florence, Department of Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences "M. Serio", Florence, Italy

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Abstract Text

Over the past years, the treatment landscape of breast cancer has significantly evolved. Several new anticancer agents entered clinical use or are in late clinical development. Among them many targeted therapies, including new antibody drug conjugates and immunotherapy agents, have already shown to bring improvements in clinical outcomes, and will therefore likely impact in an increasing manner on the management of breast cancer. The advent of innovative preclinical models has accelerated tumour targets’ identification and subsequent anti-cancer agents’ development, reducing the lag-time between preclinical discoveries and introduction into the clinics. This availability of new therapeutic measures raises the important question on how to integrate them with local and regional treatments, and particularly with radiation therapy, in both curative and advanced settings. The impact of new targeted agents on tumour biology, micro- and immune-environment, and cellular energetics, can alter the clinical outcomes after irradiation.
The purpose of this consensus is to provide preclinical and clinical evidence- and (where lacking) consensus-based guidelines on how to integrate targeted and other agents properly and safely with irradiation to improve the clinical care of patients affected by breast cancer who are candidates for these treatments. An international panel of experts in preclinical and translational research, drug development, and radiation therapy reviewed the available evidence and provide recommendations to help physicians in daily clinical practice.