Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 16
09:15 - 10:30
Strauss 3
Fiona Mcdonald, United Kingdom
This will be a very interdisciplinary session dedicated to guidelines and good practice in radiation oncology. It will cover numerous aspects of radiation oncology: site specific (oligometastatic NSCLC, postoperative RT for prostate cancer, breast cancer: integration of RT and target therapy, RTT aspects of breast RT, bone met RT), technique/RT modality specific (MR-guided RT systems) and involving different radiation oncology professionals (physicians, physicists, RTT etc.). Some of the guidelines will involve also other societies (ASTRO for lung cancer) and will be practice defining, so you cannot miss this session.
09:25 - 09:35
ESTRO-ACROP guidelines for external beam radiotherapy of patients with complicated and uncomplicated bone metastases
Peter Hoskin, United Kingdom


ESTRO-ACROP guidelines for external beam radiotherapy of patients with complicated and uncomplicated bone metastases

Peter Hoskin1, Nicolaus Andratschke2, Johan Menten3, Joanna Kazmierska4, Yvette van der Linden5, Mateusz Spałek6, Joanne van der Velden5, Jonas Willmann7, Stephanie Brown8, Eva Oldenburger9

1Mount Vernon Cancer Centre and University of Manchester, Division of Cancer Sciences, Northwood and Manchester, United Kingdom; 2University Hospital Zurich, Department of Radiation Oncology, Zurich, Switzerland; 3Catholic University Leuven, Radiaton Oncology, Leuven, Belgium; 4Greater Poland Cancer Centre, Radiotherapy Department II, Poznan, Poland; 5University Medical Center Utrecht, Department of Radiation Oncology, Utrecht, The Netherlands; 6Maria Sklodowska-Curie National Research Institute of Oncology, Department of Soft Tissue/Bone Sarcoma and Melanoma, Warsaw, Poland; 7University Hospital Zurich, Department of Radiation Oncology, Zurich, Poland; 8Mount Vernon Hospital, Cancer Centre, Northwood, United Kingdom; 9University Hospital Leuven, Department of Radiation Oncology, Leuven, Belgium

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Abstract Text

These guidelines address the management of bone metastases in the context of external beam therapy covering diagnosis, prognostic scores and treatment. They are presented as two manuscripts the first on uncomplicated bone metastases defined as those with no associated actual or threatened pathological fracture and no neurological complications and the second on complicated bone metastases.

The uncomplicated section covers diagnosis, the concept of oligometastases and their management, dose, fractionation and technique for external beam radiotherapy and includes reirradiation.  Clinical assessment should include a pain score, performance status and an estimation of the predicted survival.  Single doses are advocated for both initial and reirradiation of painful bone metastases; the concept of pain flare after radiotherapy is recognised and high dose stereotactic radiotherapy and IMRT are not recommended in the absence of clear evidence of their superiority over simpler techniques.

The complicated bone metastases section covers pathological fracture, spinal canal compression, neuropathic pain and prophylactic treatment. In metastatic spinal canal compression full evaluation with whole spine MRI and surgical referral for spinal instability is recommended. Surgical referral should also be considered for single site compression in patients with < 48 hours paraplegia and life expectancy of >3 months. High dose steroids and local radiotherapy using single doses of 8-10Gy are otherwise recommended. Re-irradiation is possible within a cumulative dose limit of BED  ≤100 - 135.5 Gy2. Stereotactic radiotherapy is not recommended for cord compression.  Neuropathic pain should be treated with a single dose of 8Gy. Pathological fracture risk should be undertaken using established scoring systems. Single doses of 8Gy, 20Gy in 5 fractions or 30Gy in 10 fractions should be used for threatened or actual pathological fracture where surgery is not feasible.

All recommendations are evidence based with levels of evidence referenced throughout.