Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 16
09:15 - 10:30
Strauss 3
Fiona Mcdonald, United Kingdom
This will be a very interdisciplinary session dedicated to guidelines and good practice in radiation oncology. It will cover numerous aspects of radiation oncology: site specific (oligometastatic NSCLC, postoperative RT for prostate cancer, breast cancer: integration of RT and target therapy, RTT aspects of breast RT, bone met RT), technique/RT modality specific (MR-guided RT systems) and involving different radiation oncology professionals (physicians, physicists, RTT etc.). Some of the guidelines will involve also other societies (ASTRO for lung cancer) and will be practice defining, so you cannot miss this session.
09:35 - 09:45
An ESTRO-ACROP guideline on quality assurance and medical physics commissioning of online MRI-guided radiotherapy systems based on a consensus expert opinion
Stephanie Tanadini-Lang, Switzerland


An ESTRO-ACROP guideline on quality assurance and medical physics commissioning of online MRI-guided radiotherapy systems based on a consensus expert opinion