Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 14
16:45 - 17:45
Strauss 1
Dose accumulation and dose prediction
Hugo Palmans, Austria;
Nina Niebuhr, Germany
Proffered Papers are presented in one of the sessions scheduled in the main session halls. Each author will present orally for 7 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will be recorded and available on-demand.
Proffered Papers
17:05 - 17:15
Variations in cumulative dose assessment in re-irradiation scenarios: a multi-centre evaluation
Ane Appelt, United Kingdom


Variations in cumulative dose assessment in re-irradiation scenarios: a multi-centre evaluation

Nick Hardcastle1, Eliana Vasquez Osorio2, Charles Mayo3, Andrew Jackson4, Francesca Belosi5, Madalyne Chamberlain5, Christopher Thompson6, Catherine Palmer7, Natasa Solomou7, Lone Hoffmann8, Pauline Dupuis9, Myriam Ayadi9, Sarah Muscat10, Julia Handley11, Adam Selby12, Heidi S. Rønde13, Nick West14, Anja Aarberg15, Theodora Skopidou16, Joep Stroom17, Jaime Perez-Alija18, Marija Popovic19, Colin Kelly20, Chrysanthi Michailidou21, Ane Appelt22

1Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, Physical Sciences, Melbourne, Australia; 2University of Manchester, Division of Cancer Sciences, Manchester, United Kingdom; 3University of Michigan, Department of Radiation Oncology, Ann Arbor, USA; 4Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Centre, Department of Medical Physics, New York, USA; 5University Hospital, Zurich, Department of Radio-Oncology, Zurich, Switzerland; 6Leeds University Teaching Hospital, Medical Physics, Leeds, United Kingdom; 7Norfolk and Norwich University Hospital, Medical Physics, Norwich, United Kingdom; 8Aarhus University Hospital, Department of Oncology, Aarhus, Denmark; 9Centre Léon Bérard, Medical Physics, Lyon, France; 10Queen Alexandra Hospital, Medical Physics, Portsmouth, United Kingdom; 11The Christie Hospital, Medical Physics, Manchester, United Kingdom; 12South West Wales Cancer Centre, Medical Physics, Swansea, United Kingdom; 13Aarhus University Hospital, Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, Aarhus, Denmark; 14Northern Centre for Cancer Care, Medical Physics, Newcastle, United Kingdom; 15Haukeland University Hospital, Medical Physics, Bergen, Norway; 16Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust, Medical Physics, London, United Kingdom; 17Champalimaud Foundation, Department of Radiation Oncology, Lisboa, Portugal; 18Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Medical Physics, Barcelona, Spain; 19McGill University Hospital, Medical Physics Unit, Montréal, Canada; 20St Luke's Radiation Oncology Network, Medical Physics, Dublin, Ireland; 21Michailidou, Medical Physics, Agios Athanasios, Cyprus; 22University of Leeds, Leeds Institute of Medical Research at St James's, Leeds, United Kingdom

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Purpose or Objective

Assessment of cumulative doses to organs at risk (OARs) across multiple treatments is critical to safe re-irradiation, however there are multiple pathways to perform this assessment. We performed a multi-centre study to quantify the impact of clinical pathways on assessment of cumulative dose to OARs.

Material and Methods

We provided DICOM planning CT, structures and dose for original and re-treatment courses for two patients with head & neck (HN) and lung cancer (Figure 1). Participants determined and reported cumulative physical and EQD2 doses (near-maximum, volumetric dose) to OARs using their clinical process and software. Standardised α/β values were provided for EQD2 calculation, and description of dose summation pathway was collected via a survey. Participants were asked to (optionally) submit physical dose distributions from the original course mapped onto the re-treatment course CT. A consistent workflow by one observer in a single software was used to sum the submitted registered dose distributions with dose from the second course dose, to assess isolated variation in image registration for dose mapping.

Figure 1: Summary of the two cases provided to participants


Cumulative dose assessment was performed by 21 participants using rigid (RIR) or deformable image registration (DIR)-based summation of 3D dose or isodose contours, or summation of DVH metrics extracted from each course. Registration was global or OAR-based. Three participants used tissue recovery factors (TRF) of 25-50% for the spinal cord only (n=1) or all organs (n=2). There was large variation in non-recovery corrected near-maximum cumulative dose (inter-observer ranges 14.5-24.1Gy for HN, 2.4-33.8Gy for lung OARs), which for lung OARs increased when converting to EQD2 (inter-observer ranges 9.4-42.9 Gy EQD2) (Figure 2, a-d). Cumulative mean doses were more consistent than near-maximum doses. Improved consistency in near-maximum dose was observed using a standardised workflow with submitted spatially mapped doses (inter-observer range 10.7-13.5Gy for HN, 0.4-9.8Gy for lung OARs) (Figure 2, e-f). 

Figure 2: Cumulative (a) physical and (b) EQD2 cumulative dose metrics for the head and neck (a & c) and lung cancer (b & d) cases reported by the participants (n=21) using their clinical pathway. (e) & (f) Cumulative physical dose metrics for doses summed and reported in a single treatment planning software (TPS) for the HNC and lung cancer cases respectively, based on mapped dose distributions.


Differences in methods for spatial mapping of dose between courses, conversion to biologically equivalent doses and use of tissue recovery factors resulted in substantial variations in cumulative dose assessment in two re-irradiation cases. The variations observed have implications for outcome analysis and our understanding of published doses concerning re-irradiation. Standardising the workflow using spatially registered doses may present a pathway for improved consistency in cumulative dose assessment.