Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 15
10:30 - 11:30
Strauss 1
Novel applications of MR imaging
Aswin Hoffmann, Germany;
Casper Beijst, The Netherlands
Proffered Papers are presented in one of the sessions scheduled in the main session halls. Each author will present orally for 7 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will be recorded and available on-demand.
Proffered Papers
11:20 - 11:30
Histopathology-validated GTV delineations of intra-prostatic lesions with mpMRI and PSMA-PET
Josefine Grefve, Sweden


Histopathology-validated GTV delineations of intra-prostatic lesions with mpMRI and PSMA-PET

Josefine Grefve1, Kristina Sandgren1, Joakim Jonsson1, Angsana Keeratijarut Lindberg1, Erik Nilsson1, Sara Strandberg2, Anders Bergh3, Karin Söderkvist4, Björn Zackrisson4, Adalsteinn Gunnlaugsson5, Mathieu Moreau6, Camilla Thellenberg Karlsson4, Lars E. Olsson7, Bengt Friedrich8, Anders Widmark4, Lennart Blomqvist9, Vibeke Berg Loegager10, Jan Axelsson1, Mattias Ögren2, Margareta Ögren2, Katrine Riklund11, Tufve Nyholm1

1Umea University, Department of Radiation Sciences, Radiation Physics, Umea, Sweden; 2Umea University, Department of Radiation Sciences, Diagnostic Radiology, Umea, Sweden; 3Umea University, Department of Medical Biosciences, Pathology, Umea, Sweden; 4Umea University, Department of Radiation Sciences, Oncology, Umea, Sweden; 5Skane University Hospital, Department of Hematology, Oncology and Radiation Physics, Lund, Sweden; 6Skane University Hospital, Department of Hematology, Oncology and Radiation Physics, Lund , Sweden; 7Lund University, Department of Translational Medicine, Medical Radiation Physics, Malmo, Sweden; 8Umea University, Department of Surgical and Perioperative Sciences, Urology and Andrology, Umea, Sweden; 9Karolinska Institute, Department of Molecular Medicine and Surgery, Solna, Sweden; 10Copenhagen University Hospital in Herlev, Department of Radiology, Herlev, Denmark; 11Umea University, Department of Radiation Sciences, Diagnostic Radiology, Umea , Sweden

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Purpose or Objective

There is growing evidence that focal boost to intra-prostatic lesions is beneficial for patients with high-risk prostate cancer. Delineation of boost regions can be done using MRI with T2w imaging, diffusion-weighted imaging (DWI) or perfusion (dynamic contrast-enhanced, DCE) imaging, or with PET, where PSMA currently is one of the dominant radiotracers for prostate cancer. The delineation guided by the different modalities will result in a variation in gross tumor volumes (GTV), which may impact the effectiveness of the treatment. In the present study we investigate the characteristics of manual intra-prostatic GTV delineations based on different MR sequences and PSMA-PET using whole-mount histopathology as gold standard.

Material and Methods

15 prostate cancer patients with high risk profile (Gleason >=8) were imaged with PSMA-PET/MR prior to surgery. The prostate specimens were placed in individualized prostate molds with slits (5 mm separation) corresponding to the imaging planes for the histopathology slicing. Gleason grade regions 3, 4 and 5 were delineated in each slice and through a careful registration procedure transferred to the coordinate system of the PET/MR examination. Four radiation oncologists individually delineated GTVs, based on T2w-MRI, diffusion-MRI (DW-MRI), DCE-MRI, and PSMA-PET, respectively. The Staple algorithm was used to combine the delineations for each modality.


All results are presented for the combined (Staple algorithm) GTV delineation for each imaging modality. In regions with Gleason grade 4 (15 patients) the mean volumetric overlap with standard deviation was 38% ± 23% (T2w-MRI), 37% ± 22% (DW-MRI), 34% ± 20% (DCE-MRI) and 51% ± 27% (PSMA-PET). For regions with Gleason grade 5 (3 patients) the overlap was 36% ± 36% (T2w-MRI), 69% ± 29% (DW-MRI), 37% ± 52% (DCE-MRI) and 71% ± 17% (PSMA-PET). For regions with Gleason grade 3 (14 patients) the overlap was 25% ± 24% (T2w-MRI), 26% ± 24% (DW-MRI), 18% ± 21% (DCE-MRI) and 25% ± 31% (PSMA-PET). Including regions with all Gleason grades the overlap was 35% ± 24% (T2w-MRI), 37% ± 24% (DW-MRI), 31% ± 18% (DCE-MRI) and 42% ± 27% (PSMA-PET). 

A combination of the different modalities yielded a mean volumetric overlap (all Gleason grades) of 51% ± 25% for the combination of T2w-MRI + DW-MRI; by also including DCE-MRI it became 55% ± 24% and by combining all four modalities the overlap was 60% ± 25%.

The mean Dice score (all Gleason grades) with standard deviation was 38% ± 23% (T2w-MRI), 39% ± 22% (DW-MRI), 36% ± 19% (DCE-MRI) and 38% ± 20% (PSMA-PET).  

Figure 1 a) Histopathology slice with delineated Gleason grade regions, b) PSMA-PET uptake, c) GTV delineations from the four different observers and d) the combined GTV from the Staple algorithm.


The largest overlap between ground truth and the delineated lesions was found for higher Gleason grades (>=4) using PSMA-PET or combinations of modalities. The variation in overlap between patients was significant and warrants further analysis.