Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 14
10:30 - 11:30
Strauss 3
Advancements in RTT practice
Loes Bulthuis, The Netherlands;
Michelle Leech, Ireland
Proffered Papers are presented in one of the sessions scheduled in the main session halls. Each author will present orally for 7 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will be recorded and available on-demand.
Proffered Papers
11:00 - 11:10
Patient satisfaction of a consultant therapeutic radiographer led SRS clinic.
Aoife Williamson, United Kingdom


Patient satisfaction of a consultant therapeutic radiographer led SRS clinic.

Aoife Williamson1, Stefan Nowicki2, Allan James2, Aileen Duffton2

1Beatson West of Scotland Cancer Centre, Radiotherapy, Glasgow, United Kingdom; 2Beatson WOSCC, Radiotherapy, Glasgow, United Kingdom

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Purpose or Objective

As radiotherapy clinical and technical experts, Consultant Therapeutic Radiographers (CTR) can provide professional consultancy and take responsibility for radiotherapy patients being directly referred from oncology multidisciplinary team meetings. In 2021, a CTR led stereotactic radiosurgery (SRS) clinic for patients with brain metastases was implemented. This clinic was previously led by the radiation oncologist. During the consultation, the CTR is responsible for communicating complex information detailing technical radiotherapy delivery, acute and long term toxicity. To ensure patient centred care, the CTR must have an awareness of the patient’s health literacy and deliver this information clearly to ensure shared decision making and informed consent. This is an evaluation of patient satisfaction following attendance at this novel clinic led by the CTR.  

Material and Methods

Following the implementation of a CTR led SRS clinic for patients with brain metastases, a questionnaire was given to patients who attended the clinic between April and August 2022. The questionnaire was developed in collaboration with the CRUK Radnet (Cancer Research UK radiation research network) Glasgow patient and public involvement (PPI) group who offered comments on design and question formation. The study design of this quantitative questionnaire included dichotomous questions and likert scale questions.  5 point likert satisfaction scales were used to assess opinions/attitudes to statements. The questionnaire was piloted by 3 patients, with modifications made to the likert scale answers to ensure clarity. The questionnaire was then reviewed again by the PPI group. The questionnaire was anonymous and distributed by the CT planning radiographers, two days after the consultation, to reduce bias.


20 surveys were distributed, with a return rate of 100%.  There were high satisfaction scores for the CTR's ability to deliver information regarding treatment and toxicity that was well understood and for giving patients sufficient time to ask questions regarding all aspects of treatment. 90% of respondents felt very involved in the decision making about the potential treatment. All respondents were very confident in the level of the CTR’s knowledge regarding the SRS treatment and were extremely satisfied with their experience of the CTR led SRS clinic.


These results provide firm evidence that patients who attended the CTR led SRS clinic were highly satisfied. The evaluation of the satisfaction outcomes identified several strengths in the service provided for brain metastases patients. This study adds further support to the development of CTR autonomously led new patient clinics.