Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 13
16:45 - 17:45
Business Suite 3-4
Automation and machine learning
Dietmar Georg, Austria
Poster Discussions are presented in one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster discussion theatres. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be recorded.
Poster Discussion
Validation of relative beam spot position in a linear accelerator using a simple phantom
Hans Lynggaard Riis, Denmark


Validation of relative beam spot position in a linear accelerator using a simple phantom

Hans Lynggaard Riis1,5, Adriaan Fietje2, Benny Clifford Buthler3, Anders Smedegaard Bertelsen4, Uffe Bernchou4,6, Kenni Højsgaard Engstrøm1, Lia Barbosa Valdetaro1, Carsten Brink6

1Laboratory of radiation physics, Department of oncology, Odense, Denmark; 2Elekta Instruments AB, Service Department, Stockholm, Sweden; 3Laboratory of Radiation Physics, Department of oncology, Odense , Denmark; 4Laboratory of radiation physics, Department of oncology, Odense , Denmark; 5University of Southern Denmark, Department of clinical reseach, Odense, Denmark; 6University of Southern Denmark, Department of clinical research, Odense, Denmark

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Purpose or Objective

On a linac, the position of the isocentre is used as the reference, e.g. for calibration of MLCs and jaws. Typically, the lowest energy defines the reference isocentre for linacs with multiple energies available. Thus a simple and fast test is needed to ensure that all energies agree with this reference. The current study presents a novel and simple phantom that fast but accurately can measure the spot position using the electronic portal imaging device (EPID) for both FF (flattening-filter) and FFF (flattening-filter-free) energies.

Material and Methods

Two brass spheres (BSs) with a diameter of 5 mm and a central hole of diameter 0.5 mm were glued to a string passing through the holes approximately 40 cm apart. Four such strings were placed in the corners of a 6×6 cm square inside a polymethyl methacrylate (PMMA) box to prevent airflow-induced movements. An additional line with one BS was placed centrally between the other BSs, Fig. 1(a). Using the room lasers, the box was placed with the central BS approximately at the isocentre (exact position not important).

The BSs were irradiated with 20 MU while acquiring EPID images at gantry angles from 356° to 4° in one-degree steps. Lines on the EPID images through each pair of BS will pass through the point of vertical beam direction. Thus, the crossing point of multiple lines is the vertical beam spot position. A MATLAB code was used to analyse the images for BS positions and perform cross-point calculations, Fig. 1(b). Variation in spot position was measured as the difference between the measured cross-points (U, V) and the 6 MV FF reference (Uref, Vref).


Variation in spot position from four independent phantom setups on different days was performed at two Elekta linacs. The data for the Versa HD accelerator is seen in Fig. 2. Overall, the deviations are within two pixels. A pixel represents ~0.4 mm spot translation and 1.1 mm change in field edge position since the MLC is calibrated at the reference position and placed one-third between the target and the patient. The 10 MV FF beam was more stable than 6 MV FFF and 10 MV FFF, which might be related to the lack of servo-steering of the FFF beams in the U (lateral) direction - in the other direction servo-steering is available for all energies. The error bars in Fig. 2(a) are the standard deviation of the repeated imaging series. For all energies, the gantry averaged standard deviation was <0.23 and <0.16 pixels in the U and V direction, respectively. The largest variation was seen for 10 MV FFF.

The increased uncertainty of the crossing point of the FFF beam might partly be related to image noise since the EPID frame rate is constant; thus, a higher dose rate and fixed number of MUs result in fewer frames (~factor 4).


A novel phantom able to detect the relative position of the beam spot was developed. The phantom is easy to set up at the linac, does not need precise alignment and provides precise measurements of the beam spot position of multiple beam energies.