Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 15
09:00 - 10:00
Business Suite 1-2
Education is the RTT superpower
Mary Coffey, Ireland
Poster Discussions are presented in one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster discussion theatres. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be recorded.
Poster Discussion
Enhancing RTT Education Through UDL: A Spotlight on Treatment Planning
Elizabeth Forde, Ireland


Enhancing RTT Education Through UDL: A Spotlight on Treatment Planning

Elizabeth Forde1

1Trinity College Dublin, Discipline of Radiation Therapy, Dublin, Ireland

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Purpose or Objective

Universal Design for Learning (UDL) is a set of principles within curriculum development that gives all students equal opportunities to learn.  The aim of this project was to integrate UDL into the education of radiation therapists (RTTs) in treatment planning.  In doing so we aimed to enhance the quality of education and student experience.

Material and Methods

New content for students studying treatment planning as part of a four-year undergraduate honours degree in radiation therapy was curated under the lens of UDL.  A range of bespoke and diverse teaching materials capturing two of the core principles of UDL (i.e., multiple means of engagement, and multiple means of representation) were created and made available through the University’s virtual learning environment. In addition to standard lecture slides and lab notes, students were provided with:
•    podcasts in which faculty members critically discuss peer reviewed publications,
•    recorded demonstrations of creation and evaluation of treatment plans,
•    access to an online form enabling students to anonymously ask questions outside of class times,
•    online polls to test knowledge of core principles.
Whilst there was no student choice in the method of assessments, a range of strategies were used within the module to support the UDL principle of multiple means of action/expression.


Student attendance in this module was very high, with 78% of students attending 100% of the timetabled sessions. An improvement in academic achievement was evident with an increase in the number of students obtaining an overall mark of 70% or higher (Grade I) in the class who had access to the additional teaching aids, relative to previous groups of students who did not.  Students appreciated the additional tailor-made material and provided positive feedback; “Enjoyed the podcasts for critical appraisal understanding. Really found the open Q&A form great to ask questions you think of after class, I wish we had this in every module!”, “The additional work put into this module really helps students when they are confused…I feel it has really positively impacted the radiation therapist I will become.


By introducing additional, customized educational supports beyond standard lecture material, students’ engagement and learning of this practical subject area was enhanced in a university environment.  Students appreciated the range of materials provided, underpinned by the UDL pillars of multiple means of engagement, multiple means of representation, and multiple means of action/expression.