Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 14
16:45 - 17:45
Business Suite 1-2
Anca-L. Grosu, Germany
Poster Discussions are presented in one of the sessions scheduled at the two poster discussion theatres. Each author will present a digital poster orally for 2 minutes, followed by 2 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be recorded.
Poster Discussion
Prospective trial evaluating a novel MR-based 3D-printed head immobilization device (NCT04114786)
Paola Jablonska, Spain


Prospective trial evaluating a novel MR-based 3D-printed head immobilization device (NCT04114786)

Paola Jablonska1, Nancy LaMacchia2, Amy Parent2, Harley Chan3, Matthew Filleti3, Matthew Ramotar2, Young-Bin Cho4, Anna Santiago5, Maria Braganza2, Adam Bandzynski6, Normand Laperriere7, David Shultz7, Tatiana Conrad7, Derek Tsang7, Barbara-Ann Millar7, Tony Tadic7, Alejandro Berlin7

1Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Radiation Oncology, Pamplona, Spain; 2Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Radiation Medicine Program, Toronto, Canada; 3University Health Network, Radiation Physics, Toronto, Canada; 4Cleveland Clinic, Radiation Oncology, Ohio, USA; 5Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Biostatistics, Toronto, Canada; 6Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Cancer Digital Intelligence Program, Toronto, Canada; 7Princess Margaret Cancer Centre, Radiation Oncology, Toronto, Canada

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Purpose or Objective

Immobilization and reproducible positioning are crucial for accurate brain radiotherapy (RT). Current RT planning processes require redundant dedicated imaging studies and a bespoke moulding session to create an immobilization device (i.e., thermoplastic mask [T-mask]). Innovative approaches may improve the patient’s journey and value of care. The aim of this study was to prospectively deploy and assess the performance of a patient-specific 3D-printed mask (3Dp-mask) that is generated solely from MR imaging, allowing for the recreation of a reproducible tolerable positioning and immobilization for patients undergoing brain RT.

Material and Methods

Patients undergoing LINAC-based CNS RT (primary brain tumor or resected brain metastases) were enrolled prospectively (IRB #18-5753; NCT04114786). In the investigational arm, an in-house designed 3Dp-mask was generated from MR images to recreate the natural random head positioning during MR acquisition and allow coupling with the LINAC table during RT delivery. Differences in inter-fraction motion were compared between patients treated in the control (T-mask) versus the investigational (3Dp-mask) paradigm. Adverse events and tolerability were assessed using a patient-reported questionnaire after conventional moulding session, and by the end of the first and last weeks of treatment for both arms.


Between January 2020 and July 2022, a total of 40 patients were enrolled (20 on each arm). All participants completed the prescribed brain RT and all study evaluations. Median time from simulation to ready-to-treatment was 4 (range 1 -12) and 8 days (range 6 -14) for the control and investigational arms, respectively. The average time to complete the 3Dp-mask design and printing was 36h 50min (range 12h 56min - 42h 01min). There were no significant differences in the ratings between groups through each questionnaire time point, except for a greater reduction in neck discomfort in the investigational arm compared to the control arm from end of first RT week to end of last RT week (B= -0.28, CI= [-0.49, -0.06], p=.011). Both arms showed similar shift values for the left, right, posterior, superior, and inferior. There was a larger absolute anterior-posterior displacement in the control arm than in the investigational arm (mean [sd] 0.210cm [0.126] verus 0.096cm [0.076], p=.001). Absolute superior-inferior displacement tended to be larger in the investigational arm (mean [sd] 0.197cm [0.137] versus 0.103c, [0.075] in the control arm, p=.01).


The proposed total inverse planning paradigm using a 3D-printed immobilization device is feasible, rendering comparable inter-fraction performance while offering a better patient experience compared to the conventional thermoplastic mask. This approach could allow improvements to the brain RT workflows and potentially significant cost savings.