Accelerator downtime optimization
Accelerator downtime optimization
Authors: DAVID HERNANDEZ1, Pablo Castro2, María Roch2, Pablo Chamorro1, Sergio Honorato1, Maria Sol Talaya3, Rosario Rubiato3, Laura Zaragoza3, Aranzazu Valiente3, María Teresa Murillo3
1H.U. La Princesa, Medical Physics, madrid, Spain; 2H.U La Princesa, Medical Physics, madrid, Spain; 3H.U. La Princesa, Radiation Oncolgy, madrid, Spain
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Purpose or Objective
Radiotherapy treatment interruptions can lead to a decrease in local tumor control (TCP).On the other hand, it is also mandatory, and necessary, to have a maintenance program for linear accelerators, with the treatment stops that this entails.
The aim of this work is to analyze the reduction time in to preventive maintenance program (PMP) of the machines.
Material and Methods
In our hospital, Siemens VARIAN Healthiness Company has proposed to change the PMPs from 4 PMPs (total 8 days) to 3 PMPs (total 6 days) in the year 2020. This means an increase in the time of clinical use of the machine.
In 2020 PMPs are carried out over 3 scheduled stop. Interruptions caused by unscheduled events in Clinac 2300iX are analyzed throughout the year 2020. It has been suggested to increase the PMP by 4 revisions for the year 2021 and subsequent years, but maintaining the total number of days of stoppage, proposed by VARIAN, 6 days per year of stoppage. VARIAN`s attitude is one of total collaboration and in the year 2021 and 2022, 4 PMPs have been performed (2 PMPs of 2 days and 2 PMPs of 1 day).
For the analysis of the results, it has been taken into account that a work day is equivalent to 14 hours and a work shift is equivalent to 7 hours of patient treatment.
In 2020 many more breakdowns have been observed than in successive years.
The unscheduled downtime of the machine in this year is showed a total stoppage time of 127 hours, which means being stopped throughout 18 treatment shifts. Many of the breakdowns have occurred on dates prior to the week of the PMP.
In 2021 the days of unscheduled interruptions have decreased by 46%. The total time of interruptions is 69 hours, which is equivalent to 10 treatment shifts.
Until October 2022, the number of unplanned shutdown days is similar to 2021. The total downtime is 71 hours, which is equivalent to the same treatment shifts as in 2021.
This results has showed in table1

Decreased downtime in radiotherapy treatments is essential to improve local tumor control.
Collaboration between industrial and hospitals is necessary to implement a new preventive maintenance programs to optimize the performance of the accelerators and minimizing unscheduled interruptions.