Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

Quality assurance and auditing
Poster (Digital)
PSQA with IQM detector for high modulated fields: impact of a better small segments modelling
Margherita zani, Italy


PSQA with IQM detector for high modulated fields: impact of a better small segments modelling

Margherita Zani1, Silvia Calusi2, Tommaso Zoppi3, Livia Marrazzo2,1, Chiara Arilli1, Marta Casati1, Antonella Compagnucci1, Cinzia Talamonti1,2, Stefania Pallotta2,1

1Azienda Ospedaliero Universitaria Careggi, Medical Physics Unit, Florence, Italy; 2University of Florence, Experimental and Clinical Biomedical Sciences “Mario Serio”, Florence, Italy; 3University of Florence, Mathematics and Computer Science “Ulisse Dini”, Florence, Italy

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Purpose or Objective

This work aims to test the Integral Quality Monitor (IQM) detector as a tool for patient-specific QA (PSQA) after an upgrade of the Signal Calculation Model (SCM). This upgrade aimed to increase the system reliability for plans with segments characterized by a small aperture (average x/y dimension of 1cm or lower). The performances of the new IQM SCM were assessed by comparing the QA results of a set of VMAT plans acquired before and after the model upgrade. Correlation between QA results and plan complexity was also investigated.

Material and Methods

The IQM system consists of a large transmission IC, mounted on the LINAC collimator face and of a software designed and commissioned to predict the detector output [1]. PSQA is carried out by comparing measured and predicted IQM signal output.

The new IQM SCM, generated after additional small fields measurement, was tested with a three-step process:

1.    84 VMAT plans planned with Monaco® TPS and delivered with an Elekta VersaHD LINAC were tested with the original IQM SCM. Plans with a cumulative signal deviation (CSD) ≤2.5% (G1) were separated from those showing a CSD>2.5% (G2). The threshold value of 2.5% was suggested by the vendor after the acceptance test.

2.    G2 plans QA was performed for a second time using the new SCM.

3.    For each plan, the total MUs, the index of modulation (M), the modulation complexity score (MCSv), the mean-field area index (MFC) [2], and the number of segments per plan with an average aperture ≤1 cm along both x and y directions, were calculated by using the open-source framework MACARON[3].

[1] M. Pasler et al 2017 Phys. Med. Biol. 62 7440

[2] M. Antoine et al  2019 EJMP 64:98-108

[3] NextGenerationEU programme, Italian DM737 – CUP B15F21005410003, MACARON project


Step1: Of the 84 VMAT plans, 75 (G1) had a CSV<2.5% (CSD= 0.1%±1.0%), while 9 plans (G2) had a CSD above the threshold (CSD =3.8%±0.7%).
Step2: With the new SCM, G2 QA results registered a significant improvement, as shown in Fig.1.
Step3: Fig.2 (a,b) shows the distribution of segments with a small average aperture, along x. The two groups' results were statistically different (t-test, p<0.01). On the MLC travel direction (x), the percentage of segments with an average aperture ≤1 cm was 2.9% (G1) vs 6.2% (G2), while on jaws direction (y), the percentages for G1 and G2 were 0.6% and 2.9% respectively. In fig.2(c) the plan complexity analysis is shown. The two groups’ results were statistically different in terms of total MUs, M and MFC, indices that are both higher for plans composed by a high number of segments with a small area.


IQM is a reliable tool for PSQA. With the new updated version, that was introduced and tested in our clinic before making it available on the market, a marked improvement in the performances was achieved for plans containing large number of segments with a small area. Complexity analysis proved to be a useful tool for evaluating the behavior of the calculation model.