Curative reRT for patients with recurrent head and neck adenoid cystic carcinomas
Valentin Calugaru,
Curative reRT for patients with recurrent head and neck adenoid cystic carcinomas
Authors: MATHILDE MAHE1, Arnaud Beddok1, Valentin Calugaru2, Farid Goudjil3, Gilles Créhange3, Loic Feuvret4, Stephanie BOLLE5, Remi DENDALE6, Catherine Ala Eddine7, Christophe Le Tourneau8, Laurence Champion8
1Institut Curie Paris, Radiothérapie , Paris, France; 2Institut curie Paris, Radiothérapie, PARIS, France; 3Curie Paris, Radiothérapie, PARIS, France; 4East Group Hospital. Hospices Civils , Radiotherapie, LYON, France; 5Gustave Roussy, Radiothérapie, Villejuif, France; 6Curie Orsay, Radiotherapie, Orsay, France; 7Curie Paris, Radiotherapie, paris, France; 8Curie Paris, Oncology, Paris, France
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Purpose or Objective
Re-irradiation (reRT) for local relapses of head and neck adenoid cystic carcinoma (HNACC) is a challenge. The objective of the present study was to analyze the outcomes and toxicity following this treatment
Material and Methods
Methods: We retrospectively analyzed the records of 10 patients reirradiated with proton ther-apy (PT) or IMRT at Institut Curie regarding pattern of failure. control and survival rates and toxicity.
Results: Patient received a median dose of 72Gy at reRT after a median RT-interval of 53.5 months. Median follow up was 26 months. the 1-. 2- and 3-year LFFS were 66.7%. 55.6%. and 41%. respectively. Six patients had locoregional failures (LRF) which occurred in-field for four patients (66.6%). Over the follow-up period. eight patients died. The 1-. 2- and 3-year OS were 77.8%. 66.7%. and 44.4%. respectively. LFFS and OS were significantly better in the subgroup of sinusal tumors (p = 0.013) and the subgroup of patients reirradiated more than two years after the first course (p = 0.01). Toxicity was acceptable with almost only grade 1-2 acute adverse events and rare late toxicities with 2 grade 3-4 adverse events (radionecrosis).
Conclusion: Despite high cumulative doses. re-irradiation at curative intend with PT or IMRT seems safe and efficient for local control for patients with recurrent HNACC.