Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

Physical aspects of quantitative functional and biological imaging
Poster (Digital)
Time-dependent diffusion MRI for non-invasive tumor characterization on a 1.5 T MR sim
Minea Jokivuolle, Denmark


Time-dependent diffusion MRI for non-invasive tumor characterization on a 1.5 T MR sim

Minea Jokivuolle1,2, Henrik Lundell3, Kristoffer Madsen3,4, Faisal Mahmood1,2

1Odense University Hospital, Laboratory of Radiation Physics, Department of Oncology, Odense, Denmark; 2University of Southern Denmark, Department of Clinical Research, Odense, Denmark; 3Danish Research Centre for Magnetic Resonance, Copenhagen University Hospital Amager and Hvidovre, Centre for Functional and Diagnostic Imaging and Research, Copenhagen, Denmark; 4Technical University of Denmark, Department of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science, Copenhagen, Denmark

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Purpose or Objective

Non-invasive methods for characterization of tumor microstructure are required to improve radiotherapy individualization. Time-dependent diffusion MRI (TDD-MRI) has shown potential to provide quantitative estimates of tissue microstructure, such as extracellular volume, membrane permeability, cellularity and cell size. However, so far TDD-MRI has mainly been investigated on high performance pre-clinical systems. Here, we investigated the capability of a clinical 1.5 T MR sim system to perform TDD-MRI to estimate cell sizes using asparagus as a model tissue, and demonstrated in vivo feasibility in human muscle tissue.

Material and Methods

Asparagus (asparagus officinalis) stems (N = 9) were cut to 4 cm pieces and stabilized in water. The left calf muscle of one healthy volunteer (M, 44 yrs, 81 kg) was imaged in vivo.

TDD-MRI was acquired on a 1.5 T MR sim (Ingenia, Philips) with a 45 mT/m gradient system, using spin-echo EPI readout (sequence parameters in Table 1). Measurements were repeated with increasing effective diffusion time (Td) to assess the time-dependency of the signal.

Table 1: MRI acquisition parameters.

TR/TE (ms)Matrix/resolution

b-values (s/mm²)

Gradient duration (ms)Td (ms)Scan time (mm:ss)
Asparagus3216/117152x70x12/1x1x50, 500, 1000, 150024.032.0-62.001:27
Muscle3216/9564x61x10/2.5x2.5x50, 250, 500, 75019.520.5-50.503:23

For validation, Monte Carlo simulations of MRI signal were performed for varying cell radii using intrinsic diffusivity of 2.1 µm²/ms for asparagus and 3.0 µm²/ms for muscle [1].

Analytical model for diffusion in cylinders [2] was fitted to the asparagus data to estimate cell radius (R) and diffusivity within two regions of interest (ROIs), corresponding to the central (ROI_C) and peripheral (ROI_P) area of asparagus stems.


The measured diffusion signals from asparagus showed a clear time-dependency (fig. 1A), in agreement with the simulations (fig. 1B). The slope of the curves increased with b-value, indicating that the time-dependency is due to restricted diffusion within the cells. Signal changes up to 7.5 %-points in ROI_C and 8.9 %-points in ROI_P were observed (fig. 2A). The calf muscle showed a weaker, yet detectable effect (fig. 1C & 2A).

The analytical model estimated correctly a larger cell radius in ROI_C (16.38 µm) and a smaller one in ROI_P (14.75 µm) with estimated diffusivity of 1.40 µm²/ms in both ROIs. The difference to microscopy reference (18.52 µm) was small (~12%) in ROI_C, while for ROI_P difference to reference (7.69 µm) was large, likely due to partial volume effects (caused by large in-plane voxels).


We demonstrated the feasibility of TDD-MRI acquisition on a clinical 1.5 T MR sim with clinically relevant cell sizes. The results show promise for differentiation of tissues by cell size, which could help in characterizing tumor sub-regions for non-uniform radiation dose delivery.

[1] Hall et al., IEEE Trans Med Imaging, 28.9:1354, 2009

[2] van Gelderen et al., J. Magn. Reson., Series B 103.3:255, 1994