Ablative Raditherapy as primary treatment in inoperable and elderly women with breast cancer.
Ablative Raditherapy as primary treatment in inoperable and elderly women with breast cancer.
Authors: roberto De Haro Piedra1, Roberto De Haro Piedra1, Elvira Rodriguez2, Santiago Velazquez miranda3, David Miguel Muñoz CArmona2
1Virgen del Rocio University Hospital, radiation oncology, Sevilla, Spain; 2Virgen del Rocio University Hospital, radiation oncology, sevilla, Spain; 3Virgen del Rocio University Hospital, Medical physics, sevilla, Spain
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Purpose or Objective
Our research team hypothes SABR as a safe and effective primary treatment
alternative to surgery in patients with inoperable breast carcinoma or who refuse
surgery. It has a real impact on primary tumor control with a lower rate of local
and distant recurrence.
Material and Methods
Prospective EC F II, one arm, radical treatment with ablative radiotherapy, single
dose of 21 or 24 Gy. In patients older than ≥ 50 years, diagnosed by biopsy, with
T1-2 (≤ 5 cm), inoperable or who failed surgery. The primary objective of the
study is to assess the radiological response using the RECIST 1.1 criteria and
comparing it with the results of radiology tests performed on the patients PET CT
18 FDG AND MRI with breast contrast, secondary objectives to assess the degree of
toxicity and cosmesis and development of an immobilization system for
performing SABR/SBRT
From June 2017 to June 2022, 41 patients were included, with 46 lesions,
treatment with SABR was performed in 37, treatment was not performed in 9,
mean age 82 years (50-93 years), median follow-up 29.5m (1-60), ECOG 0-1-2:
88%, ECOG 3-4: 12%. most frequent histology CDI SNE 80%, CIntraDuctal 10%, Ca
lobular infiltrating 10%; Immunophenotype LUMINAL B 39.1%, LUMINAL A 52%,
triple negative 8.4%. Lesion location Left breast 43.5%, right breast 52.2%,
Bilateral 2.17%. Staging: Stage I 37%, II 47.8% (IIA 90%; IIB 10%), III 8.7%; IV
6.52%. Single dose administered 24Gy 76%, 21Gy 18.4%. Regarding the response,
73% of the treated patients are in complete response (27 patients), 10.8 in partial
response (4 patients), 10.8% (4 patients) with stable disease and only 5 .4% in
progression (2 patients).
SABR treatment of the breast has proven to be a safe, effective treatment, with
excellent local control, with minimal acute and chronic toxicity, and excellent
cosmesis; that it can be a radical treatment alternative to surgery in patients with
breast cancer, new phase II-III studies are needed to corroborate it.