Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 13
16:45 - 17:45
Stolz 2
Audits and multi-centre studies
Irena Koniarova, Czech Republic;
Lee Harrison-Carey, United Kingdom
Mini-Orals are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the two mini-oral theatres. Each author will present a 4-slide PowerPoint orally for 4 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be recorded.
Radiotherapy-related CIEDs dysfunctions in the Lille University Hospital remote monitored patients
Maxime Noeuveglise, France


Radiotherapy-related CIEDs dysfunctions in the Lille University Hospital remote monitored patients

Maxime Noeuveglise1, Loic Finat2, Claude Kouakam2, Christelle Marquié2, Didier Klug2, Thomas Lacornerie3, Erwann Rault3, Xavier Mirabel1, Laurence Guédon-Moreau2

1Oscar Lambret Center, Radiotherapy, Lille, France; 2Lille University Hospital, Heart and Lung Institute, Cardiovascular Medicine, Lille, France; 3Oscar Lambret Center, Medical Physics, Lille, France

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Purpose or Objective

The indications for cardiovascular implantable electronic devices (CIEDs) including defibrillators and pacemakers, are increasing, as is the cancer burden for older patients. Recommandations have been published, but the interactions between CIEDs and ionising radiations are insufficiently known by radiotherapy medical teams and cardiology teams. The production of secondary neutrons by the use of high energy beams (superior to 10MV). Telecardiology is a major asset for the monitoring of these patients. The objective of this study, is to analyze the radiotherapy related CIEDs dysfunctions (reversion of the device to back-up mode) in a cohort of patients followed by remote monitoring of their device in the Lille University Hospital.

Material and Methods

In 2009, at Lille University Hospital, a single-center register was designed to prospectively analyze the alerts form remote monitoring of CIEDs, regardless of the device manufacturer. All the alerts received through these remote monitoring systems were included in the register, and were classified as clinical or technical alerts. Technical alerts included lead-related alerts and device-related alerts. Clinical alerts included arrhythmias and heart failure-related alerts. For the purpose of the present study, the technical device-related alerts arising from reversion to back-up mode were extracted from the register, and their cause was described and analyzed.


2745 patients were enrolled over a mean follow-up of 3.5 years.  Among 89,806 event-triggered transmissions, 17,505 were classified as technical alerts. Only 20 alerts were related to reversion to back-up mode, with 8 of them caused by radiotherapy in 7 patients. None of these alerts was followed by a clinical adverse event before the CIEDs problem was resolved. For 8 of these alerts, 7 had their CIEDs out of field. All patients were treated with high Energy X-Rays, ranging from 18 to 25MV. For the patient with in field CIED, the dose to the device was less than 0,3Gy. The localisations of the radiotherapy were : Pelvic (5 patients), Encephalic (1 patient), controlateral lung apex (1 patient).


All the alerts involving CIEDs and radiotherapy in this population were associated with high energy X-rays. Radiation oncologist should avoid using X-rays with an energy superior to 10MV when treating patients with CIEDs, even if the device is far from the field.