Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 14
15:15 - 16:15
Stolz 2
Patient and public perspective
Claire Poole, Ireland;
Sairanne Wickers, United Kingdom
Mini-Orals are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the two mini-oral theatres. Each author will present a 4-slide PowerPoint orally for 4 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be recorded.
Patients’ needs in Proton Therapy: a survey among 10 European Facilities
Daniela Alterio, Italy


Patients’ needs in Proton Therapy: a survey among 10 European Facilities

Giovanni Carlo Mazzola1, Luca Bergamaschi1, Cristiana Pedone1, Maria Giulia Vincini1, Matteo Pepa1, Mattia Zaffaroni1, Stefania Volpe1, Jérôme Doyen2, Piero Fossati3, Karin Haustermans4, Morten Høyer5, Johannes Albertus Langendijk6, Raul Matute7, Ester Orlandi8, Hillevi Rylander9, Barbara Rombi10, Esther Troost11, Roberto Orecchia1, Daniela Alterio1, Barbara Alicja Jereczek-Fossa1,12

1European Institute of Oncology, Radiation Oncology, Milan, Italy; 2Centre Antoine Lacassagne, Radiation Oncology, Nice, France; 3MedAustron Ion Therapy Center, Karl Landsteiner University of Health Sciences, Wiener Neustadt, Austria; 4PARTICLE proton therapy center, UZ Leuven, Leuven, Belgium; 5Danish Centre for Particle Therapy, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark; 6University Medical Center Groningen, Radiation Oncology, Groningen, The Netherlands; 7Centro de Protonterapia Quironsalud, Radiation Oncology, Madrid, Spain; 8Italian National Center for Oncological Hadrontherapy, Radiation Oncology, Pavia, Italy; 9Skandionkliniken proton facility, Radiation Oncology, Uppsala, Sweden; 10Proton Therapy Center, Radiation Oncology, Trento, Italy; 11Institute of Radiooncology - OncoRay, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Rossendorf, Germany; 12University of Milan, Oncology and Emato-Oncology, Milan, Italy

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Purpose or Objective

The number of Proton Therapy (PT) facilities is still limited worldwide, and the access to treatment could be characterized by patients’ logistic and economic challenges. Aim of the present survey was to assess the support provided to patients undergoing PT across Europe.

Material and Methods

Through a personnel contact, an online questionnaire (62 multiple-choice and open-ended questions) via Microsoft Forms was distributed to ten European PT centres. The questionnaire consisted of 62 questions divided into six sections: i) personal data; ii) general information on clinical activity; iii) fractionation, concurrent systemic treatments and technical aspects of PT facility; iv) indication to PT and reimbursement policies; v) economic and/ or logistic support to patients vi) participants agreement on statements related to the possible limitation of access to PT. A qualitative analysis was performed and reported.


From March to May 2022, all ten involved centres completed the survey. Nine centres treat between 100 and 500 patients per year. Paediatric patients account for 10-30%, 30-50% and 50-70% of the entire cohort for 7, 2 and 1 centres, respectively. The most frequent tumours treated in the adult population are brain tumours, sarcomas and head and neck carcinomas; in all centres, the mean duration of PT is longer than 3 weeks. In 80% of cases, the treatment reimbursement for PT is supplied by the respective country’s Health National System (HNS). HNS also provides economic support to patients in 70% of centres, while logistic and meal support is provided in 20% and 40% of centres, respectively. PT facilities offer economic and/or logistic support in 90% of the cases. Logistic support for parents of paediatric patients is provided by HNS only in one-third of centres. Overall, 70% of respondents agree that geographic challenges may limit a patient’s access to proton facilities and 60% believe that additional support should be given to patients referred for PT care. A graphical representation of the answers was reported in Table 1.


There are relevant differences among European countries in supporting patients referred to PT in their logistic and economic challenges. Further efforts should be made by HNSs and PT facilities to reduce the risk of inequities in access to cancer care with protons