Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 13
09:00 - 10:00
Stolz 2
TCP/NTCP modelling and prediction
Karen Kirkby, United Kingdom;
Nienke Hoekstra, The Netherlands
Mini-Orals are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the two mini-oral theatres. Each author will present a 4-slide PowerPoint orally for 4 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be recorded.
NTCP Models for Late Tissue Fibrosis Following Breast RT are Validated in a Large Prospective Cohort
Alessandro Cicchetti, Italy


NTCP Models for Late Tissue Fibrosis Following Breast RT are Validated in a Large Prospective Cohort

Alessandro Cicchetti1, Eliana Gioscio1, Maria Carmen De Santis2, Petra Seibold3, David Azria4, Dirk De Ruysscher5, Allison M Dunning6, Rebecca Elliot7, Alejandro Seoane8, Maarten Lambrecht9, Elena Sperk10, Berry Rosenstein11, Chris Talbot12, Ana Vega13, Liv Veldeman14, Adam Webb12, Tim Rattay15, Catharine West16, Tiziana Rancati17

1Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Prostate Cancer Program, Milan, Italy; 2Fondazione IRCCS Istituto dei Tumori di Milano, Radiation Oncology, Milan, Italy; 3German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Division of Cancer Epidemiology, Heildelberg, Germany; 4Montpellier Cancer Institute, Radiation Oncology, Montpellier, France; 5Maastricht University Medical Center, Radiation Oncology (Maastro), Maastricht, The Netherlands; 6University of Cambridge, Strangeways Research Labs, Cambridge, United Kingdom; 7University of Manchester, Manchester Accademie Health Science Centre, Manchester, United Kingdom; 8Vall d'Hebron Hospital Universitari, Vall d'Hebron Barcelona Hospital Campus, Medical Physics Department, Barcelona, Spain; 9University Hospitals Leuven, Radiation Oncology, Leuven, Belgium; 10Universitätsmedizin Mannheim, Medical Faculty, Mannheim, Germany; 11Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, Radiation Oncology, New York, USA; 12University of Leicester, Genetics and Genome Biology, Leicester, United Kingdom; 13Fundación Pública Galega, Medicina Xenómica, Santiago de Compostela, Spain; 14Ghent University, Department of Human Structure and Repair, Ghent, Belgium; 15University of Leicester, Cancer Research Centre, Leicester, United Kingdom; 16University of Manchester, Translational Radiobiology Group, Manchester, United Kingdom; 17Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori di Milano, Prostate Cancer Program, Milan, Italy

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Purpose or Objective

To validate NTCP models for radiation-induced fibrosis in breast cancer patients treated with whole breast RT.

Material and Methods

We selected two Lyman models for moderate/severe (CTCAE v4.0 grade≥2) late tissue fibrosis (Fib2+) published in the literature (Alexander et al. PMB 2007, Avanzo et al. EJMP 2012). Model details are reported in Table 1. Both models are based on the Biological Effective Uniform Dose (BEUD) of the PTV DVH to include the effects of fractionation and dose inhomogeneity. The α/β ratio for dose corrections was 3 Gy. Alexander’s model considers the risk of Fib2+ at 5 years post-RT. Of note, Avanzo's model includes the possibility of heterogeneous follow-up (FU) through the use of a latency function (Tucker et al. IJROBP 2008) based on data from the EORTC trial 22881-10882.
We tested models in a multicentre EU/USA observational study cohort of breast cancer patients treated with RT after conservative surgery between 2014 and 2016. We selected a subgroup of patients with RT schedules similar to those for the model’s development: prescribed dose between 40 and 50 Gy, conventional or moderate hypofractionation, and no boost dose. Patients with post-operative fibrosis and atrophy (before RT) were excluded from the analysis. We also applied the latency function to the computation of the NTCP risk for Alexander’s model since 5 years of FU data were unavailable for all the patients.
Validation performance was evaluated through the area under the receiver-operating curve (AUC) and the calibration plot's slope and offset (calibration-in-the-large).


A total of 425 patients had RT schedules overlapping with those in the published development cohorts. The Median FU time was 24 (12-60) months. We processed 392 PTV DVHs for the analysis. Thirty-three pts (7.6%) with post-surgery side effects were excluded. Interestingly, only 55% of them continued to manifest symptoms in the late phase after RT suggesting the presence of surgical alterations that are resolved with time despite additional radiation damage.
Fib2+ was scored in 19.2% of the study group, with 15.7% and 3.6% grade 2 and 3 events, respectively. The calibration plots for NTCP models are shown in Fig1: calibration slope and offset of 1.09 and 3% for Avanzo’s model and 1.05 and 1% for Alexander’s NTCP. AUCs were 0.61 (CI +-0.04) in both validations; this index cannot be compared with the development cohorts since it was not reported in publications.


Two NTCP models for moderate/severe radiation-induced fibrosis were externally validated with very good results on a group of patients with RT regimens analogous to the ones of the development cohorts. BEUD based on the dose distribution in the PTV was a robust predictor of the risk for tissue fibrosis. Data are available to test the transferability of the models outside of the considered RT schedules, including the ultrashort breast irradiation and dose boosts.

[Study funded by the EU FP7  programme for research and ERAPerMed]REQUITE was funded from the European Union's 7th FP GA 601826.
RADprecise was funded by the ERA PerMed Network, Reference Number ERAPERMED2018-244.