Vienna, Austria

ESTRO 2023

Session Item

May 13
09:00 - 10:00
Stolz 1
Henrike Westerveld, The Netherlands;
Safia Yahiaoui, Tunisia
Mini-Orals are presented at one of the sessions scheduled in the two mini-oral theatres. Each author will present a 4-slide PowerPoint orally for 4 minutes, followed by 3 minutes for discussion. Sessions will not be recorded.
Developing National Consensus Recommendations for Vulvar Cancer Radiotherapy Treatment.
Patricia Baird, United Kingdom


Developing National Consensus Recommendations for Vulvar Cancer Radiotherapy Treatment.

Patricia Baird1, Eleanor Dyke2, Melanie Powell3, Alexandra Taylor4, Louise Hanna5, Ursula McGivern6, Jeffrey Summers7, Anupama Gore8, Audrey Cook9, Jennifer Forrest10, Alexandra Stewart11

1St Luke's Cancer Centre , Clinical Oncology , GUILDFORD, United Kingdom; 2St Luke’s Cancer Centre, Physics Department, GUILDFORD, United Kingdom; 3Barts Health NHS Trust, Clinical Oncology, London, United Kingdom; 4The Royal Marsden NHS Foundation Trust, Clinical Oncology, London , United Kingdom; 5Velindre University Hospital NHS Trust, Clinical Oncology, Cardiff, United Kingdom; 6Belfast City Hospital, Clinical Oncology, Belfast, United Kingdom; 7Maidstone and Tunbridge Wells NHS Trust, Clinical Oncology, Maidstone, United Kingdom; 8Leicester Royal Infirmary, Clinical Oncology, Leicester, United Kingdom; 9Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Trus, Clinical Oncology, Gloucester, United Kingdom; 10Royal Devon University Hospital Trust, Clinical Oncology, Exeter, United Kingdom; 11Saint Luke's Cancer Centre , Clinical Oncology, GUILDFORD, United Kingdom

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Purpose or Objective

The UK vulvar cancer audit showed the widespread use of IMRT in the UK with minimal organ toxicity. However, there was considerable dose range variation with no UK consensus regarding the minimum dose to improve local control (1). The international consensus guidelines for the contouring and treatment of vulvar cancer do not reflect UK practice (2).We aimed to develop recommendations to deliver consistent RT treatment of vulvar cancer in the UK with greater standardisation of dose prescribing and reporting.

Material and Methods

The Royal College of Radiologists (RCR) invited a group of gynaecology Clinical Oncology experts to develop consensus recommendations. Draft guidelines were written using the outcomes of the 2019/2020 RCR national vulvar cancer radiotherapy audit. The Consensus group then refined the guidelines through regular meetings and discussions, using a modified Delphi process. The RCR hosted an online contouring exercise where a second expert panel contoured two vulvar cancer cases (radical radiotherapy alone and post-operative nodal fields) before and after reading the consensus recommendations. Further changes were made and the draft recommendations were presented at a British Gynaecological Cancer Society workshop after which final changes were made.


Consensus recommendations define volumes to contour (table 1) with structured contouring guidelines containing example images. Figure 1 recommends dose/fractionation schemes. Guidance is also given regarding treatment planning, dosimetric parameters and care on treatment.

Table 1

Figure 1


We believe these recommendations will standardise the RT treatment of vulvar cancer in the UK. We also aim to improve compliance with national recommendations such as the treatment of vulvar cancer as category 1 and compensation of gaps during treatment. The national RCR audit will be repeated in 2024 to assess the impact of these recommendations on UK practice.


1.    Baird P DK, Forrest J, Stewart A “The Royal College of Radiologists National Vulvar Cancer Audit”. 2022.

2.    Gaffney DK, King B, Viswanathan AN, Barkati M, Beriwal S, Eifel P, et al. Consensus Recommendations for Radiation Therapy Contouring and Treatment of Vulvar Carcinoma. Int J Radiat Oncol Biol Phys. 2016;95(4):1191-200.DOI: 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2016.02.043.