The signal Sb of a NG-IVIM DWI scan at b-value b in a voxel is given by Sb = S0(1-f) exp(-bD+(1/6)(bD)2K)+S0f exp(-bD*), where S0 is the signal at b=0 s/mm2. The NG-IVIM DWI parameters of interest (f the perfusion fraction, D* the pseudo-diffusion coefficient, D the diffusion coefficient and K the kurtosis, related to restricted diffusion) can be obtained by fitting a multi b-value acquisition. The number and choice of b-values strongly influences the parameter precision. Therefore, as a first step, the b-values for a set size varying between 5 and 30 b-values were optimized using a cost function with 3 components: (1) Cramér-Rao lower bound as a measure of precision, (2) echo time (TE) correction for signal decrease at higher TE, and (3) a constraint to avoid b-values below 0 and above 1500 s/mm2.
Next, b-values from all optimized sets were combined into one acquisition (b=1x0, 2x10, 1x20, 6x80, 1x130, 1x280, 1x570, 1x640, 2x750, 1x760, 2x770, 2x780, 5x790, 8x1500 s/mm2), which was imaged twice in 16 healthy volunteers in one session on a GE MR450w 1.5T scanner. A 20 b-value reference set from literature (b=(0,10a1,…,10a(n-1), a=1.3, n=20)) was imaged as well. Distortion correction, intra- and inter-volume registration were applied to all acquisitions. DWI parameters were fitted for each voxel in tonsil ROIs using an in-house fitting script. The importance of parameter optimization was quantified using the SD of the DWI parameters. The effect of number of b-values (i.e. scan time) was expressed by the SD of the differences of the mean in the tonsils (repeatability).