University degree created in advanced clinical practice for French-speaking radiation therapists - PDF Version
The Gustave Roussy Institute in France and the Association Francaise du Personnel Paramédical D'Électroradiologie (the French Radiation Therapists’ Association, or AFPPE), have signed a partnership to offer radiation therapists (RTTs) the opportunity to take a university degree in advanced clinical practice in radiotherapy at Paris Saclay University. This initiative is an important step forward, as it paves the way for RTTs to learn advanced practice through a university degree. This will enable RTTs to evolve their careers and grow their scope of practice.
The creation of the degree was made possible through the multiple experiences of our international colleagues and by making use of their publications1, for which we are grateful. Advanced practice in France is currently recognised only for nurses. This degree will enable RTTs to improve their knowledge so that they can develop their advanced practice. The first year group will promote the introduction of new organisational designs to improve patient care and more skill-sharing between radiation oncologists and RTTs.
To join the course, students must have a diploma in radiotherapy and have been practicing radiotherapy for three years. During the training, students will develop their reflections on the expansion of their radiotherapy practice, and these will be formalised in a final report, which will enable them to imagine their implementation of advanced practice in a radiotherapy department. The learning outcomes for students will enable further development of their theoretical and clinical skills in their fields and the formulation of a critical view of their scope of practice.
The programme consists of the teaching of palliative care, diagnostic imaging for breast, prostate, lung and head & neck cancer and metastasis, determination of the target volume and organs at risk, image-guided radiation therapy, clinical research, quality/security and artificial intelligence. Eight RTTs were welcomed to the first course, which began on 13 January and will comprise 80 hours of theoretical teaching split into lecture courses, practical workshops and tutorials. These training modules will be completed with an internship week in a radiotherapy department other than the one in which the student is based. It could be in your department!
The final assessment of the students will consist of a knowledge test and a final report, which will be written on a practice development project and will be defended at a viva. We hope that their cooperation projects will become reality through the publication of papers.
The Gustave Roussy Institute in France
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Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact Simon Corbin, senior health manager and coordinator of this university degree:
Sophie Boisbouvier
Radiation Therapist
Centre Léon Bérard
Lyon, France
Philippe Le Tallec
Chair RTT Committee AFPPE
Montrouge, France
Simon Corbin
Senior Health Manager
Coordinator, RTT university degree
Gustave Roussy Institute
Pierre Blanchard
Radiation Oncologist
Gustave Roussy Institute
Sofia Rivera
Radiation Oncologist
Gustave Roussy Institute