The 4th Biennial Global Conference (2023) on Leading the Way in Radiography and Radiation Therapy Advanced Practice
17-18 November 2023
Summary Report
It was an absolute pleasure to host the fourth biennial conference named Leading the Way in Radiography and Radiation Therapy Advanced Practice (LTWRAP 2023) in Singapore from 17 to 18 November 2023.
This is an in-person international event that is made possible through partnerships with the Singapore Institute of Technology, the National Cancer Centre Singapore (NCCS), the Singapore Society of Radiographers, the Society and College of Radiographers, the Canadian Association of Medical Radiation Technologists and the Australian Society of Medical Imaging and Radiation Therapy. It is endorsed by ESTRO.
LTWRAP stands as a beacon of international excellence in the fields of radiography and radiation therapy advanced Practice (AP). The primary aim of the conference is to unite thought leaders and advanced practitioners from across the globe. Together, we aspire to create a thriving community of practice in which ideas, knowledge, and best practices are shared freely, fostering advancements in our professions and inspiring the next generation of practitioners. After three years of uncertainty and countless adaptations across the healthcare continuum due to the pandemic, we were all so happy to be able to gather in person. Thus, this year’s conference was aptly themed “Celebration!”

The conference was structured around three key themes.
- Celebrate achievements: delving into new implementations, roles, and directions in the field.
- Celebrate collaborations: engaging with the advanced radiotherapy practice international community, collaborative efforts, and groundbreaking initiatives.
- Celebrate impact: Exploring the positive differences that advanced practitioners have made in their lives and to the healthcare ecosystem.
This year's LTWRAP attracted 180 participants from Singapore, Australia, New Zealand, the UK, Ireland, Malta, Canada, Hong Kong, Malaysia, Thailand, Brunei, Indonesia, the United Arab Emirates, the Philippines and Turkey. Some of our conference highlights are listed below.
- International speakers: our programme featured eight international speakers who are outstanding practitioners and experts in their fields, supported by our professional partners.
Left: Dr Yatt Tsang delivered a talk on his paper entitled “An overview of the evidence of AP and the ESTRO radiation therapists’ committee (RTTC) position on the future of AP for our profession”. Right: Associate Professor Sharon Wong (chair of LTWRAP) and Dr Tsang (chair of ESTRO RTTC)
- The academic session, which featured 18 insightful papers. Ms Carol-Anne Davis from Canada won the award for best oral paper presentation, which was titled: “Examining Examsmanship: The ‘je ne sais quoi’ of Advanced Practice”. She won a free registration for the next LTWRAP, which will be held in the UK in 2025.

Carol-Anne Davis, winner of LTWRAP2023 Best Oral Paper Award
- The round table discussion, which involved an expert panel of diagnostic radiography specialists from each country who engaged in a profound dialogue on the current landscape of AP. They explored challenges and in-depth implementation strategies.

Expert panel discussion on the current landscape
of AP diagnostic radiography
- The debate session was a lively and entertaining debate between two teams on the motion "The journey to being an advanced radiation therapy practitioner is a prudent choice and a worthwhile endeavour" The debate, which was moderated by Ms Kristie Mathews from Australia, sparked insightful discussions.
- The gala dinner: The Friday night gala dinner provided a platform for networking, relaxation, and a collective celebration of the profession. The event also honoured three outstanding individuals whose lifelong dedication has made a profound difference in the field of radiography and radiation therapy.
- Singapore Society of Radiographers(SSR) Awardees are
- Ms Lim Soh Har (SSR Honorary Membership), Mr Francis Ngoi Chong Lin and Ms Lui Yin Wah (SSR Life Membership).
Abstracts for the full conference have been published in the Journal of Medical Imaging and Radiation Sciences. Photos and video recordings of the conference can be found on the website www.ltwrap2023.com.
The two-day conference concluded with tours of the radiation oncology department of the NCCS and the Goh Cheng Liang Proton Therapy Centre. The tours provided everyone with insight into some advanced facilities including a proton therapy room.