Richard Pötter



Richard Pötter started his career in medicine at Münster University, Germany, with training in surgery and internal medicine and became diagnostic radiologist and radiation oncologist. He obtained his academic degree on “Imaging in Radiotherapy” in 1989 developing “MRI simulation”. Richard was Professor and Chairman of the Department of Radiation Oncology at the Medical University of Vienna, Vienna General Hospital 1993-2016. With his team, he promoted numerous developments in different areas of radiation oncology, with his main interest in image guided radiotherapy, brachytherapy and particle therapy (eg MedAustron, ENLIGHT). He implemented MRI for radiotherapy in Vienna in 1998. He coordinated GEC ESTRO 1999-2003 and was clinical editor in “Radiotherapy and Onocology” 2006-2014. MRI guided gynaecologic brachytherapy has finally become his major area of R&D: new MRI based technology (intracavitary/interstitial), the adaptive target concept (CTVHR), GECESTRO Recom. 2005/2006). Together with many colleagues he built the Gyn GEC ESTRO network (2005) and the EMBRACE study and research group starting in 2008. He coordinated the “ICRU GEC ESTRO Report 89” on Cervix Cancer Brachytherapy 1998-2016. Richard has been involved in education and training in Vienna and the ESTRO School: in general brachytherapy (1993-2008), in gynaecologic brachytherapy (since 2004, since 2010 international, since 2016 in India); GEC ESTRO Handbook of Brachytherapy 2002, since 2014 2nd edition; international fellows; regular hands-on gynaecologic workshops in Vienna and Asia. He was chair of the ESTRO School 2006-2016 strengthening major school pillars including international education in particular in Asia.