Nienke Weitkamp

The Netherlands


Nienke qualified as a radiation therapist (RTT) in 2016 in Groningen (Hanzehogeschool). After her bachelors she moved to Switzerland to work at the University Hospital of Zürich. Her she worked for 5 years and she became an expert in using and implementing SGRT. With in-house studies, workflows and clinical protocols she helped to optimize and improve patient care. In addition to the work for the SGRT community, she was part of the MRI-Linac team. To prepare for implementing this new technique in the department she did a post bachelor course on MRI. As a senior RTT, she ensured that clinical protocols were available and that optimizing patient care became a priority. After 5 years she moved to Amsterdam and started working at the Amsterdam UMC as a RTT in 2022. Her she is also part of the MR-Linac team were she further specializes MR guided Radiotherapy.