Gert De Meerleer



Gert De Meerleer is currently head-of-clinics at the department of Radiotherapy and Oncology at University Hospitals Leuven, Belgium. His field of interest is urologic oncology with a focus on implementing modern radiation technology in the treatment of prostate cancer, kidney cancer and to a lesser extent, bladder cancer. He has pioneered on the implementation of stereotactic body radiotherapy in the treatment of oligometastatic prostate cancer. This had lead to a paradigm shift in the treatment of these patients. Gert De Meerleer successfully defended his Ph.D. in 2000. In this Ph.D., he described the implementation of intensity-modulated radiotherapy in the treatment of prostate cancer. Since then, he (co-)promoted several other Ph.D.’s, most of them dealing with the implementation of intensity-modulated radiotherapy (including arc therapy) in the treatment of urological and, to a lesser extent, gynecologic malignancies. He is active member of the multidisciplinary working group of urological malignancies at Gent University Hospital. Gert De Meerleer (co-)authored >135 A1 publications, most of them in the field of urological oncology and belonging to the highest quartile. He is co-edited several booklets on prostate cancer. He was granted several times and by different organizations (FWO, VLK, Stichting tegen Kanker, …) for his scientific research. He is full professor at Gent University and at Leuven University, with a main focus on scientific research in the treatment of urologic malignancies, with a special focus on interaction of stereotactic body radiotherapy and systemic treatments. Gert De Meerleer is co-president of the Belgian Radiotherapy Awareness and Visibility Organization (BRAVO), and board member of Scienitific Summits.. He has been invited as speaker on most urologic and oncologic congresses. He is involved in teaching at Belgian and European level. He is reviewer for several international cancer organizations and high-ranked journals. He is married to Louke and is father of Emma and Leontien. In his spare time, he is a dedicated piano player and tries to run from time to time. Good food never disappoints him.