Youlia Kirova



Senior Radiation Oncologist in the Department of Radiation Oncology, Institut Curie, Paris, France Associate Professor of Radiation Oncology in the University Versailles Saint Quentin Member of Scientific Council and Breast Cancer Steering Committee of the Institut Curie Former Head of Breast Cancer Research and Treatment in the Department of Radiation Oncology, Institut Curie, France Author of numerous publications, more than 265 on PubMed participation in chapters of books Teacher in different European Schools, as ESTRO, ESO, ESSO, FROG Member of ILROG Steering Committee Member of Skagen Breast Cancer International Group Member of EORTC Radiotherapy, Breast and Hematological Groups Member of SIOG Radiotherapy Task Force Vice president FROG (Francilian Oncogeriatric Group) Member of WJR, EJSO, ITO, JOG Editorial Committees Visiting Expert in Ruijin Hospital, Shanghai, China Visiting Professor in Harvard University (Dana Farber Cancer Center and Brigham Hospital) in the Units of Breast Cancer and Hematological Malignancies