Gavin Lawler



Gavin qualified as a radiation therapist in 2009 from Trinity College Dublin. He has extensive clinical experience using advanced radiotherapy techniques including SBRT, SRS, SGRT, 4DCT and gating. He joined Beacon Hospital where he established the first private hospital radiotherapy clinical trials unit in Ireland. He successfully coordinated multiple national and international clinical trials, including achieving 3rd highest recruitment out of 136 international sites on the NRG GU005 prostate cancer trial. He has participated as an active member on Research Ethics, Clinical Audit, Infection Prevention and Control, Data Protection and Joint Commission International Committees. He has worked with the Irish Cancer Society reviewing and creating patient information leaflets including the “Understanding Radiotherapy” booklet and Advanced Techniques information sheet. He holds an Advanced Practice Radiotherapy Treatment Planning Masters from TCD which he received in 2014. He has a number of journal publications and presented internationally. During Covid-19 he was appointed by the Minister for Health to the (National Research Ethics Committee) NREC-COVID-19 which met weekly to expedite review and approval of research as part of Ireland’s pandemic response. He is currently a member of the National Research Ethics Clinical Trials Committee, NREC-CT-B. Gavin recently joined the editorial board for the Technical Innovations and Patient Support in Radiation Oncology Journal in January 2023. He is passionate about radiotherapy, patient education and advocacy and ensures these are central themes in his role as the Irish Research Radiation Oncology Group(IRROG) Manager. IRROG unites all public radiotherapy departments and private hospital collaborators conducting clinical trials in Ireland. IRROG's mission is to improve the radiotherapy research infrastructure in Ireland to improve national access and patient participation on radiotherapy clinical trials.