The Scientific Council is responsible for the implementation of the scientific engagement policy, the co-ordination of all the scientific activities and for ensuring a consolidated reporting of the results in line with the scientific engagement policy.

Chair: Uulke van der Heide, Amsterdam, The Netherlands

ESTRO President: Matthias Guckenberger, Zurich, Switzerland

Radiotherapy & Oncology Editor-in-Chief: Pierre Blanchard, Villejuif, France

ctRO Editor-in-Chief: Cihan Gani, Tübingen, Germany

phiRO Editor-in-Chief: Ludvig Muren, Aarhus C, Denmark

tipsRO Editor-in-Chief: Michelle Leech, Dublin, Ireland

Physics Committee representative: Daniela Thorwarth, Tübingen, Germany

Biology Committee representative: Brita Singer Sørensen, Aarhus, Denmark

GEC-ESTRO Committee representative: Ina Jürgenliemk-Schulz, Utrecht, The Netherlands

RTT Committee representative: Yat Man Tsang, Toronto, Canada

Guidelines Committee Chair: Fiona McDonald, London, UK

ROSQC Chair: Petra Reijnders-Thijssen, Maastricht, The Netherlands

ESTRO Board representative: Kerstin Borgmann, Hamburg, Germany

ESTRO Board representative: Marianne Aznar, Manchester, UK

ESTRO Board representative: Esther Troost, Dresden, Germany

HERO Co-Chair and E²-RADIatE PI: Yolande Lievens, Ghent, Belgium

HERO Co-Chair: Ajay Aggarwal, London, United Kingdom

EPTN task force Co-Chair: Damien Weber, Villigen, Switzerland